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| Octr. 25th 1869 #80 * | Reyburn Dr. Robert. Chief Med. Officer. File | Washington D.C. October 25th 1869. Forwards estimate of rations required for dependent freedpeople at Freed. Hospital for month of November 1869. |

| Novr. 8. #81 * | Reyburn Robt. Chief Med. Officer sent Novr 8 '69 File | Washington D.C. Novr. 8th 1869. Requests official copy of appt. of Dr. R.A. Bell, Surg-in-chief State of Ky. made Novr. 1 '67. |

| Decr. 6. #82 | Representatives, House of. Edward McPherson. Clerk. Decr 7. Retd. E.B. Vol. 6 p 47. | Washington D.C. December 4th 1869. Requests a statement of the expenditure of the Bureau for each year since the close of the War. |

| Decr. 7 #83 | Reyburn, Robert Chief Medical Officers. Decr. 7. Retd. with infn that the papers of Maj. White have been carefully searched & the lease within referred to cannot be found. | Washington D.C. December 3rd 1869. Forwards comn. of Dr. J.J. DeLamater who requests for the use of Genl Canby, copy of lease given by Bascom Tait granting ground on which hospital is built at Richmond, &c. |

| Decr. 1. #84 | Reyburn Surg. Robt. Chief Medical Officer. File. | Washington D.C. November 30 1869. Forwards monthly report for November 1869. |

| Novr. 29. #85 * | Reyburn, Robert. Chief Medical Officer. File | Washington D.C. December 1st 1869. Forwards Tri-monthly report of employees and dependents from 1st to 10th December 1869. |

| Decr. 13, 1869. #86 * | Reyburn, Robert Chief Medical Officer. File | Washington D.C. December 13th 1869. Reports the death of Hospl. Steward Robt. O'Sullivan at 6.50 P.M. 11th inst at his late residence No. 30, 7th Street. |

| Decr. 13 #87 * | Rock, J.C. Chief of Record Division see L.B. vol. 6. Nov. 13 '69. File | Washington D.C. December 13, 1869. Requests 10 days leave of absence from the 14th inst. |

| Decr. 17. #88 | Reyburn, Robt. Chf. Med. Officer. Decr. 18. Respy. forwarded. | Washington D.C. December 17th 1869. Forwards to Qr. Mr. Genl U.S.A. vouchers for commutation of Fuel & quarters, rations, & Final Statements in the case of Robt. O'Sullivan late Hospl. Steward U.S.A. |

| Decr. 24. #89 | Reamis, W. Atty. &c. | Evansville Ind. Decr. 21, 1869. Is requested by the following named clients to forward their bounty claims to Col. Runkle, & requests to be informed when the amounts are sent:- Dick McLain $84. Jordan Fry $127.80 J. Baten $122.32 |

| Decr. 9th #90 * | Reyburn, Dr. Robt. Chief Med. Officer. File | Washington D.C. December 20th 1869 Forwards tri-monthly report of Employees & dependents in Freed. Hospital from Decr. 10th to 20th 1869. |

| Novr. 9th #91 * | Reyburn, Robt. Chief Medical Officer File | Washington D.C. Novr. 10th 1869. Forwards Tri-monthly report of employees & dependents from Novr. 10th to 20th 1869. |