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| Augt. 11th 1869 #232 | South Carolina E.L. Deane. Asst. Supt. Education S.33. Augt. 17th Forwarded to Q.M. Genl. E.B. Vol. 5 p. 493. Sept. 16th Recd. back. E.B. Vol. 5 p. 527 | Columbia S.C. August 9th 1869. States that the Barracks in Darlington purchased of the Q.M. Dept. in March last has been sold at public auction by Capt A.P. Howe A.Q.M. Charleston S.C. Asks inf as to his authority for so doing. |

| Augt. 12th #233 * | Swayne, Wager Bt Major General. See L.B. Vol. 5. Augt. 14 '69. | Washington D.C. August 11th 1869. Informs the Commr. that a memo. of a proposed order has been submitted to him, relieving Lt. Judd from duty in the Bu. & assigning Lt. Mangan to the vacancy, & states that he knows enough of Mangan to feel assured that he will suit in every way in place of Judd. |

| Augt. 13th #234 | Straws, Loury Teacher Augt. 13th Referred to B.P. Runkle for report  August 20th Recd back with report E.B. Vol 5 P. 500. | Jeffersonville Ind. August 10th 1869. States that he taught school last session at Louisville Ky., That he provided a house & the Bu only paid him $15. per mo. for services & rent when he had been promised $20. That he only recd. $3.20 from the Freed. part of which was in produce. |

| Augt. 14th #235 | Surgeon Generals Office. J.K. Barnes. Surgeon General. 1 Enclo Aug 23d Rept returned to Hon FSK A Sawyer. These books are a necessary part of the Bureau Records and there is no authority for transferring them to the health Dept of Charleston So. Ca | Washington D.C. August 13th 1869. Forwards communication of Hon. F.A. Sawyer enclosing commn. from Dr. Robt. Lebby, Health Officer Charleston S.C. requesting the return of certain books pertaining to the Health Dept of that City, with the remark that the books have not been recd. at his office. |

| Augt. 17th 1869. #236 | South Carolina. E.L. Deane. Asst. Supt. Education. 4 Enclo. Augt. 17th Referred to C.Q.M. for examination. Augt. 18th Recd. back. E.B. Vol. 5 P 498. | Columbia S.C. August 9th 1869 Forwards contracts, specifications & Bond for construction of school house at Laurens C.H. S.C. & requests instructions as to the proper course to be pursued relative to sending copies to the Returns office, Dept. Interior. |

| Augt. 18th #237 | South Carolina. E.L. Deane. Asst. Supt. Education. Augt. 19th Retd. E.B. Vol. 5. p. 497 | Columbia S.C. August 10th 1869. Forwards petition of W.H. Duncan, State Senator, & others for the construction of a school house at Union S.C., and recommends that some assistance be granted toward the erection of a school building |

| Augt. 18th #238 | South Carolina E.L. Deane. Asst. Supt. Edn. Augt 18th Referred to J.W. Alvord. | Columbia S.C. August 16th 1869. Forwards approved Schedule of Schools & Rental a/c, Charleston, $240.00 & Port Royal, Georgetown & Hilton Head $210.00 quarter ending July 1st 1869 |

| Augt. 18th #239 * | South Carolina. E.L. Deane. Asst. Supt. Education File. | Columbia S.C. August 16th 1869. States that in obedience to instructions of 31st ult. he visited Charleston & found Rev. A.T. Porter & Mr. A.G. Trenholm, Trustees, absent from the city, in consequence of which the proposed action in reference to Marine Hospital is postponed until they return. Also, that he visited Beaufort & contracted for repairs to school house at that place. |