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| Augt. 26th 1869. #247 * | Spaulding, H. Room #11, Intelligencer Building. File. | Washington D.C. August 25th 1869. Relative to inquiry made by him as to the occupancy of Mr Shreeves farm by Genl. Howards command in 1861, states that he sought no information upon which to found a claim against the Govt. & that at the time he was not aware that any order had ever been issued by the War Dept. the design & effect of which was to suppress facts in order to circumvent the laws of the Country &c. |

| Augt. 26th #248 * | Stilwell, W.H. Post Master See L.B. Vol 5. Augt. 27th '69. file | Humbolt, Tenn. August 17th 1869. Asks if there is no redress for the persecution of lady teachers in the South by ex rebels. |

| Augt. 31st #249 | South Caroline E.L. Deane Asst. Supt. Education Sept. 1st Retd. approved. The expenditure to be made in the usual manner. | Columbia S.C. August 27th 1869. Forwards petition of citizens of Walterboro S.C. for the construction of a school building at that place, & recommends that $1000. be appropriated for the purpose. States that the Hon. Geo. McIntyre will donate a lot to be held by Trustees for school purposes forever. |

| Septr. 1st #250 * | Smith, Franklin. Attorney at Law. See L.B. Vol 4. Augt. 28/69. File see L.B. Vol 5 Aug 25 1869 | Canton, Miss. August 21st 1869. Writes relative to claim of Abe Phillips, Co. "A", 52nd Regt. U.S.C.T. Refers to letter of E Whittlesey of March 20 '69 and requests that proper forms be furnished him that he may procure the money. |

| Septr. 2nd 1869 #251 * | Subsistence Dept. A B Eaton. Commy Genl. 1 Enclo Septr 2nd Referred to C.D.O. Rec'd back & filed Feby 9, 75. WGP | Washington D.C. Sepr. 1st 1869. Forwards a/c of $6,648.11 for subsistence stores furnished to destitute Ref. & Freed. in June '69 & requests that a transfer warrant be drawn for that amount. |

| Septr. 3rd #252 * | South Carolina E.L. Deane Asst Supt Education. 1 Enclo File | Columbia S.C. September 1st 1869. Forwards list of Civilian Employees on duty in his District. |

| Septr 6th #253 * | Surgeon Genl USA Barnes J.K. 2 Enclosures Sept 7th Referred to Chief M.O. Sept 11. EB 518. Vol 5. Wrappers rec'd back. Aug 8/74. WGP. | Washington D.C. Sept 4 1869 Forwards account of Dr T.G. Edwards of Anderson Texas for Medical services and Medicines furnished N.H. Randlett Sub Asst Commr Bu &c at Bryan Texas. | 

| Septr. 6th #254 | South Carolina E L Deane Asst Supt of Ed Sept. 7th Retd. E.B. Vol 5 p 514 | Columbia S.C. Septr. 3rd 1869. Forwards recommended application of C.P. Leslie on behalf of the Freedpeople at Blackville, asking assistance in the construction of school house at that place. Also recommended by R.K. Scott Governor of South Carolina  Amount of appropriation recommended by Maj Deane is 1000. he thinks that the freedpeople can raise $200 |