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| October 12th 1869 #302 | South Carolina E.L. Deane Asst Supt of Education Oct 15th Referred to Col Brown Chief Q.M. Oct 16 EB p 565. Vol 5 | Columbia So Ca Oct 9th 1869 Forward Contract Specifications & bond for repairs on Shaw schoolhouse at Charleston the same having been authorized on application of Mrs E D Cheney by endt of Augt 21st 1869. |

| Oct 15th 1869 #303 | South Carolina E.L. Deane Asst Supt of Education Oct 16th Returned to E F Hatfield EB p 562. vol 5 | Columbia So Ca Oct 13th 1869 Forwards requests of E.F. Hatfield Chairman Pres Com Home Miss for aid in erecting a School house at Rock Hill, S.C. the apptn to be fixed by the Supt of Ed for S.C. and States that he has already had a correspondence with Rev T Lavier the Agent of the P.C. of HM at Chester S.C. concerning this school. If there is sufficient funds at the disposal of the Commissioner to assist the society in building a house without deducting the amount from the appropriation of $15000 already made for the coming year I would recommend the expenditure of $500 at Rock Hill but cannot apply for that amount to be take from the Appropriation as there are points of much greater importance in this state that are wholly without school facilities. |

| Oct 16th #304 | South Carolina E.L. Deane Asst Supt of Education 7 Enclosures Oct 16th Referred to Col Brown for examination of contract &c Oct 20th Recd back EB 573. vol 5 | Columbia So Ca Oct 13th 1869 Forwards Contract Specifications & bond for the building of a school house at Walterboro S.C. authorized by endorsement of Sept 1st 1869. The people will furnish seats for the school | 

| October 18th 1869 #305 * | Shepherd A B and Bro See L.B. Vol. 5. Octr. 23 '69 Oct 18th Referred to Chief M.O. for recommendation File. | Washington D.C. Oct 15th 1869 Suggests that the machine used by the New York Laundry Co. be used in the Laundry being put up at the Freedmens Hospital. Is convinced of the superiority of it over the old Shaker machine, suggests that 3 be put in instead of one. |

| Septr 30th #306. * | Seely F A D.O. &c File | St Louis Mo Sept 27th 1869. Returns approved, application of Rev. J V Himes for $300 for repairs to a school building in St Louis. The society represented by Mr Himes is doing a good work. Thinks as a rule the Bureau should discontinue rents in his state but wishes to encourage the work of this society, which acts as a bar to sectarianism. |

| Oct 21st #307 * | South Carolina (Executive) R.K. Scott Governor File See L.B. Vol 5 Oct. 23 '69. | Columbia So Ca Oct 18th 1869 Recommends that in the cases of Col Whaley & others no order be made giving a general extention of time for payment of moneys advanced by the Govt in 1868. Exceptions may be made in individual cases. Any other course will result in failure to collect as some show a disposition to contest collection. Asks authority to use his own judgement in the matter without making it public. States that the Board convened last winter, committed many mistakes, in consequence of which many claims cannot be collected, the parties having disposed of their property. |

| Oct 22nd #308 | South Carolina E L Deane Supt of Education Oct 23rd Returned approved for 250$ | Columbia S.C. Oct 18th 1869 Forwards recommended application of F H Forest Teacher at Kingston S.C. for $250 to repair School house at that place |