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| Decr. 29, 1869. #362 | South Carolina E.L. Deane Asst. Supt. Edn. Decr. 30 Refd to C.Q.M. for ex'n. Jany 1, 1870. Recd back & returned EB vol 6, p 76. | Columbia S.C. Decr. 27, 1869. Forwards for approval Contract Bond & Specifications for construction of school house at Grantville S.C. |

| Decr. 29 #363 * | South Carolina EL Deane Asst. Supt. Edn. Filed. The acct settled by the appointment of Mr Corbin as Agent, for one month @ $79. per month. | Columbia S.C. December 27, 1869. Forwards for action of the Commr. bill of Hon. D.T. Corbin for services rendered. Recpt. of H. Trescott for conveyance of Deed. Deed of Marine Hospital property made to Trustees, & letter of D.T. Corbin, &c. |

| Decr. 29. #364 | Smith, Vaughan. Presiding Elder Snow Hill Dist Wilmington Cong. M.E. Church. Decr. 30 Retd. with the inf'n. that the Bu. no longer has authority to interfere in cases of this kind. Appln. to the Civil Courts for redress should now be made. | Berlin, Md. December 25, 1869. In behalf of Rebecca Robbins requests the Commr. to endeavor to obtain the release of her child who is held by Robt. Pitts under an order of the Orphans Court of Mt. Chester Co. Md., &c. | 

| Decr. 28th #365 | Steward O M Teacher Jany 6th 1870. Forwarded to Genl E D Townsend A.A.A.G. | Richmond Va Decr 26th 1869. Desires to ascertain the whereabouts of one Richard Williams (colored) is 22 years old  Thinks he is in the Army |

| Decr. 14 #366 * | South Carolina E.L. Deane, Asst Supt. Edn. File | Columbia S.C. December 11th 1869. Ack. recpt. of commn. of Decr. 7 '69 & states that he knows no disabled enlisted men of cold. Regts. who would be competent to fill the position of Supt. Natl. Cemeteries. |