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| August 2nd 1869 #147 * | Tennessee. C.E. Compton, Bt. Lt. Col. & Supt. Education. File | Nashville Tenn. July 27th 1869. Reports that he leaves for Knoxville on 31st |

| Augt. 3rd #148 | Treasury Department. F. Andrews. Act'g 2nd Auditor. | Washington D.C. July 31st 1869. Furnishes list of Notaries Public who have been noted in his office during the week ending July 31st 1869. |

| Augt. 4th #149 * | Tennessee. C.E. Compton. Supt. Education. 4 Enclo Augt. 4th Referred to C.D.O. Letter of transmittal rec'd back. Aug 4th 1874. W.G.P. | Nashville Tenn. July 31st 1869. Forwards his a/c for mileage & postage for month of July 1869, amt'g to $59.97 |

| Augt. 4th #150 | Texas. Rev. Joseph Welch. Supt. Education. Augt. 5th Referred to C.Q.M. for examination. The appropriation is approved. Augt. 6th Recd back EB Vol 5 p. 482. | Austin Texas. July 24th 1869. Forwards for approval Contracts with Thos Rodes for repairs of school house at Webbersville Tex. $275. |

| Augt. 6th #151 | Tennessee. C.E. Compton Supt. Education Augt. 6th Referred to J.W. Alvord. | Nashville Tenn July 17th 1869. Transmits Schedule of Schools & Rental a/cs of the A.M.A., also certificate authorizing E.M. Cravath to receive and receipt for monies due said society. |