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| August 6th 1869. #152 | Treasury Department. Wm. A. Richardson. Act'g Secy of Treasury 1 Enclo. See G. 101 vol 14 '69. Augt. 7th Referred to Mr Wooten thro' Supt. Ed. for Va. for his information. | Washington D.C. August 4th 1869. In answer to War Dept. letter of 2nd inst. covering the application of Rev. J.W. Wooten for charge of the Dahlonega Mint Building and to use the same for school purposes, encloses a letter for Mr. W. granting the application. |

| Augt. 6th #153 | Tennessee. C.E. Compton. Supt. Education. 2 Enclo. See B.95. & L.B. vol 5 Augt. 28 '69. | Nashville Tenn August 2nd 1869. Forwards letter from Prof. T.J. Lamar of Marysville Tenn. relative to appn. of $10,000. to aid in rebuilding Marysville College, & states that no action was taken by the late Asst. Commr. in this case. Forwards copies of papers as taken from the records of that office & asks that he be instructed in the matter. |

| Augt. 6th #154 | Tennessee. C.E. Compton. Supt. Education. 5 Enclo. Augt. 6th Referred to J.W. Alvord. | Nashville Tenn. August 2nd 1869. Forwards rental vouchers in favor of L Hitchcok, Treas. F.A.S. for school house at McMinnville & Cara Creek & supplemental schedule of schools. |

| Augt. 6th #155 | Tennessee. C.E. Compton. Supt. Education. 4 Enclo. Augt. 6th Referred to J.W. Alvord. | Nashville Tenn. August 2nd 1869. Forwards Rental vouchers in favor of Ellen Collins, Treas. N.Y. Branch F.U.C. for rent of school house at Cleveland Tenn. from Sept. 1st '68 to May 31st 1869, also schedule of schools & certificate authorizing Ellen Collins to receive and receipt for money due the Assn. |

| August 6th 1869. #156 | Treasury Department. A.M. Gangwer, Act'g Third Auditor 3 Enclo. Augt. 6th E.B. vol. 5. p. 481. | Washington D.C. August 5th 1869. Encloses sub vouchers 1 & 2 of C.H. Taylor late A.A. Surg. USA. for month of Oct. '68 in compliance with his request of Jany 29, '69. |

| Augt. 7th #157 | Tennessee. C.E. Compton. Supt. Education 1 Enclo. Augt. 9th Referred to C.Q.M for Examination of deed. Augt. 11th Recd. back E.B. vol. 5 p. 486. July 21st. EB. vol 6. p. 220. | Nashville Tenn. August 2nd 1869 Forwards request of F.C. Stephenson for an appn. of $200. to aid in building a school house on land deeded to Dist. School Trustees for school purposes, & recommends that the same be granted. |

| Augt. 10th #158 | Turney, E. Augt. 11th Referred to J.M. Brown for remarks. | Washington D.C. August 10th 1869. States that he intends to purchase the building at Arlington for school purposes & asks that the time of payment be extended from September 1st to October 1st 1869. |

| Augt. 11th #159 | Texas. Joseph Welch. Supt. Education. 4 Encl. Augt. 11th Referred to C.D.O. | Austin, Texas. July 30th 1869. Forwards for approval vouchers for traveling expenses of L.W. Stevenson to Austin Texas. Also vouchers for extra subsistence of himself for past years traveling |

| Augt. 11th #160 | Texas. Joseph Welch. Supt. Education. 2 Encl. Sept. 2nd Returned to Supt. Ed. Tex. E.B. vol 5. p. 511. | Austin Texas. July 28th 1869. Forwards application of Perry & Henderson of Bryan, Texas, for papers in the case of Freed. Bu. vs. Jules Randle & Bro. with remark these papers are probably filed in G Letters Recd. A.A.A.G.O., Bu. R.F. & A.L. State Texas packed in case I, or in Records of 20th Sub Dist in case II. |