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| Augt. 27th 1869. #4 * | Upshur, Mrs. F.E. Teacher. See L.B. vol 5 Augt. 28 '69 File | Greenwood Miss August 20th 1869 Asks why the pay of teachers is receipted for as house rent. States that she has a school of about 50 pupils but will be forced to abandon it unless she receives more pay. |

| Oct 28th #5 * | U.P.L. Mission Buchanan W.H. Superintendent Wrapper & 1 Enclo L.B. Vol 6. Novr. 3 '69. Vicksburg Miss Oct 22nd 1869. States that he visited Natchez Miss to look at the Marine Hospital building at that place and thinks it just the place for such a school as their Society wish to establish there. Requests the Commissioner to use his influence to procure the building from the Treasury Department for them, if the price is not too large &c. |

| Novr 28 #6 * | U. Pres. Board of Mission. Secy. Jno. B. Clark. LB Vol 6. Novr. 30 '69. File | Allegheny City Pa. Novr. 27th 1869. States that a hospital can be purchased at Natchez Miss. which could be used as a Normal School & requests to know if $5000. will be appd. by the Bu. for that object, &c. |

| Decr. 8. #7 | U. Pres. Board of Missions. Jno. B. Clark. Secy. Decr. 13 Retd. E.B. vol 6. p 57 | Allegheny City Pa. December 4th 1869. In regard to his previous commn. urging Natchez as the best place for Normal School &c. States that the appn. of $5000. ought to be made & the site bought at once. &c. |

| Decr 15 #8 * | Union College, Jonathan Pearson Librarian File | Schenectady N.Y. December 13, 1869. Ack. receipt of Commr's report. |