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[[3 columned table]]
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| Decr. 3. 1869. #180 | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. of Education Decr. 4th Retd. approved. | Richmond Va. December 2nd 1869. Requests an appn. of $20. to cover cost of moving into, and fitting up his new office in that city. |

| Decr. 3. #181 | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Education. see V 176 Decr. 9. Retd. with appt. enclosed as requested. | Richmond Va. December 2nd 1869. States that the only assistance he has is part of the time of C.S. Schaeffer, and being greatly in need of field help urges the appt. of S.H. Jones. &c. |

| Decr. 4. #182 | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Education. Decr. 6. Retd. approved. | Richmond Va. December 3rd 1869. Requests authority to expend $25. in repairing school house at Louisa C.H. Va. |

| Decr. 4. #183 | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Education. Decr. 6. Retd. approved. | Richmond Va. December 3rd 1869. Requests authority to expend $17.28 in repairing school house at Aylette, King William Co. Va. |

| Decr. 7. #184 | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Edn. Decr. 8. Retd. approved. | Richmond Va. December 6th '69. Requests appn. of $60. for repairing school house at Black Walnut, Halifax Co. Va. |

| Decr. 7. #185 | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Edn. Decr. 8. Retd approved. | Richmond Va Decr. 6, 69. Requests appn. of $17. for rep'g school room at Staunton Va. |

| Decr. 7. 1869 #186 | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Edn. Decr. 8. Retd. approved. | Richmond Va. December 6th 1869. Requests authority to rent two rooms for school purposes at $6. & $7. per month. |

| Decr. 7. #187 | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Edn. Decr. 8. Retd. approved. | Richmond Va. December 6th 1869. Requests an appn. of $67. for repairing school house at Alexandria Va. |

| Decr. 7. #188 | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Edn. Decr. 8. Retd. approved. | Richmond Va. December 6th 1869. Requests appn. of $68. for repairing school house at Wickhams, Hanover Co. Va. |

| Decr. 7. #189 | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Edn. Decr. 8. Refd. to C.Q.M. | Richmond Va. December 6th 1869. Forwards request for the purchase of matting in Richmond for his office. |

| Decr. 7. #190 | Vale, J.M. Treasy. Dept. Decr. 8. Retd. EB vol 6 p. 49 | Washington D.C. December 6th 1869. Wishes to know if there is an officer of the Bu. in this city who has charge of the collection of wages due colored servants. |

| Decr. 9. #191 | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Edn. Decr. 9. Refd. to C.Q.M. | Richmond Decr. 8, 1869. Forwards requisition for fuel for use of his office for quarter ending March 31st 1870. |