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[[3 columned table]]
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| Decr. 9. 1869. #192 * | Virginia. R.M. Manly Supt. Edn.  Decr. 9th Refd. to C.Q.M. Rec'd back and filed Jany 20/75. WGP. | Richmond Va. December 8th 1869. Encloses requisition for stationery for use in his office for quarter ending March 31, 1870. |

| Decr. 9. #193 | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Education. Decr. 10. Retd. approved. | Richmond Va. December 8th 1869. Requests permission to rent two buildings for school purposes at a rental of $7. & $10. per mo. at Churchland & Gainesville. |

| Decr. 9. #194 | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Education. Decr. 10. Retd. approved. | Richmond Va. December 8th 1869. Requests appn. of $40. to repair and enlarge Freedmens school at New Glasgow Va. |

| Decr. 10. #195 | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Edn. Decr. 11. Refd. to J.W. Alvord to know if there is any evidence in his office that the land named has been deeded to Trustees for perpetual school purposes. Decr. 14. Recd. back. E.B. vol. 6. p 61. Decr. 20. E.B. vol 6. p. 68. | Richmond Va. December 1st 1869. Requests authority to expend $700. in erecting school house in Northumberland Co. Va. on land deeded to Trustees for school purposes. |

| Decr. 13. #196 | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Edn. Decr. 14. Retd. approved. | Richmond Va. December 11th 1869. Requests authority to rent a school room at Clarksville Va. at $6.00 per month. |

| Decr. 13. #197 | Virginia. R.M. Manly. Supt. Edn. Decr. 14th. Retd. appd. | Richmond Va. Decr. 11, 1869. Requests an appn. of $8.00 in addition to the $20 already expended in cleaning & fitting up his office. |

| Decr. 13. 1869. #198 | Virginia. R.M. Manly. Supt. Education. Decr. 14. Retd. approved. | Richmond Va. December 11th 1869. Requests an appn. of $35. for repairs on Freed. school at Charlotte C.H. Va. |

| Decr. 18. #199 | Virginia. R.M. Manly. Supt. Edn. Decr. 20. Retd. approved. | Richmond Va. Decr. 17, 69. Requests authority to rent two rooms for office at $30. pr. mo. from Decr. 1 '69. |

| Decr. 20. #200 | Virginia. R.M. Manly. Supt. Edn. Decr. 21. Retd. with revocation enclosed as requested. | Richmond Va. December 18th 1869. Recommends that R.F. Hunter be relieved from duty as Clerk in his office to date Decr. 31 '69, services being no longer required. |

| Decr. 20. #201 | Virginia. R.M. Manly. Supt. Edn. Decr. 21. Retd. approved. | Richmond Va. Decr. 18, 1869. Requests an apprn. of $25. for repairing school house at Farmville Va. - the property of the bureau. |

| Decr. 23. #202 | Virginia. R.M. Manly. Supt. Edn. Decr. 24. Retd. approved. | Richmond Va. Decr. 22, 1869. Requests authority to expend $104.50 on repairing school house at Portsmouth Va. |

| Decr. 23. #203 | Virginia. R.M. Manly. Supt. Edn. Decr. 24. Retd. approved. | Richmond Va. Decr. 22, 1869. Requests authority to rent a building for school purposes at Cedar Bluff Va. from Dcr 1st '69 at $5.00 per month. |