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| Septr. 2nd 1869 #202 * | Warren Yardley See L.B. Vol 5 Septr. 3 '69  File | Germantown August 31st 1869 States that W.B. Collins & others propose to purchase tracts of land & sell to freedmen for Homesteads, schools, &c & requests the Commr. to indicate localities for the purchase, &c. |

| Septr. 2nd 1869 #203  | Waring, Oscar M. Supt. Scho. Pres. Comm. H. Miss. Sept 3d Resptly returned to O M Waring with information that this Bureau has no facilities for granting within request. Attention invited to encl Cir 2 C.S. | Winchester Va. August 31st 1869. Asks if the Bu. will furnish transpn. to teachers to their respective fields of labor the coming school year. |

| Septr. 2nd #204 | Williams, Edward. Mt. Pleasant Jefferson Co. Ohio. Sept 3d Referred to Capt H R Pease Supt of Ed for Miss | Damascusville, Ohio. August 30th 1869. Asks an addl. appn. of $500. for school house at Jackson Miss. States that the $500 appropriated April 8th '69 was barely sufficient to put the building in comfortable condition. |

| Septr. 3rd #205 | Watson J.T. Agent &c. Sept 4th Referred to Chief DO | Helena Ark Augt 28, 1869 States that he recd no commutation of Qrs & fuel from Jany 1, 1868 to May 1, 1869 that he communicated with Col Page but are unable to receive payment. Asks information how to procure payment of his claim. |

| Septr. 4th #206 | War Department John Potts Chief Clerk Sept 4th Referred to Chief Qr Mr | Washington DC Septr. 2d 1869. States that the "Western Soldiers Friend & Fireside Companion" published at Davenport Iowa, has been placed on the advertising list of the War Dept. |

| Septr. 7th 1869 #207 * | War Department Secty of War File Sept 10th Referred to Chief M.O. Sept 14" Rec'd. back with rept. EB p 526. Vol 5. | Washington D.C. Septr 6th 1869 Forwards letter of Bartlett Forrester & 4 others who state that John Armstead, John Butler and John Vantry make a practice of stealing rations at Campbell Hospital. |

| Sept 7th #208 * | Warner Yardley 1 Encl See L.B. Vol 4. Sept. 11 '69 File | Germantown Pa Sept 5th 1869. Is pleased to know that the Homestead enterprise meets with favor - he wishes however to keep prominent the feature of reimbursement & for this reminds the Commr. that his former letter inquires where & how they should find good Settlers who would be willing to help themselves & pay up their dues &c &c. |

| Sept 11th #209 * | War Department W Scott Ketchum Bt Maj Genl. File. | Washington D.C Sept 6th 1869 Refers letter from Evansville Nat Bank at Evansville Ind. endorsed by F E Spinner U.S.T. relative to Deposit made in that Nat Bank by col Ben P Runkle who was under the impression that it was a Govt Depository. |

| Septr 13th #210 | Wager John H Agent &c See I #8. vol 15 | Huntsville Ala Septr. 9th 1869 Encloses Circular from Commissioner of Pensions, asking whether it is correct & whether Pensioners living in Ala. whose claims are payable at Nashville, Knoxville & Washington are to receive their money in the same manner |