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| September 30th 1869 #225 * | Wilmer Wm R. Agent c. Filed Filed with W.240 | Port Tobacco Md Sept 29th 1869 Acknowledges receipt of Comns. of 6th & 27th ints in regard to the cases of Priscilla Pain & Beverly Buckner  Is now investigating these cases & will report in full in a short time. The letter of the 6th was not recd until two weeks from its date. |

| September 8th #226 * | Whittelsey Henry M A.A.A. General File | Washington Sept 8th 1869 As a mark of respect for the memory of the deceased Secty of War, orders the Bureau closed until after the funeral takes place. |

| October 1st #227. | War Dept W Scott Ketchum A A Genl Oct 2d Referred to Chief D.O. inviting attention to endt hereon. | Washington Sept 29th 1869 Returns letter of the Commissioner of Sept 23d 1869 to the Hon Secty of Treasy. Disapproved |

| Oct 5th #228 * | Weirick J H Clerk Filed Increased to $150 per mo from Oct 1st 1869 | Washington DC Oct 5th 1869. Requests increase of compensation |

| Oct 5th #229 | War Department J Holt Judge Advocate General Oct 13th EB p 560 vol 5 | Washington DC Oct 4th 1869 States that the charges against Genl B P Runkle have been referred to him for examination & report. Requests to be furnished with the reports in the case. That of May 15th is in the form of an endorsement on a paper transmitted to this Bureau |

| October 7th 1869 #230 * | Wilmer W R. Agent Bu RF & AL. See L.B. vol 5, Oct 14, 1869. | Port Tobacco Md. Oct 5th 1869. Makes report in regard to the cases of Priscilla Pain and Beverly Buckner referred to in letter of Genl H.M. Whittelsey dated Sep. 6th 1869. States that the children of Ellen Wills the sister of Priscilla Pain are living with Richard Price in conformity with the wishes of their mother who died in April 1869, they are well cared for and do not wish to leave. Thinks they are better off than they would be with their relations. Should the Commissioner wish to have them removed it will be done. States that Robert Barker hired Beverly Buckner for a year & promised to pay him $16 & give him 2 suits of clothes. Barker is insolvent and cannot be compelled to pay. |

| Oct 7th 1869 #231. * | War Department John Potts Chief Clerk 3 Encl Rec'd back & filed Feby 9 75 WGP | Washington DC Oct 5th 1869 Transmits audited account of E M Cheney Jacksonville Fla for job printing amtg to $40.42. |

| Oct 8th #232 * | War Department Kelton J C Asst Adjt Genl. Genl E Whittlesey AAA Genl File | Washington D.C. Oct 7th 1869 Calls attention to annexed extracts of Acts of Congress in compliance with which the Secty of War directs that the Annual Report of the operations of the Bureau RF & AL be forwarded to the Adjt Genl for examination by the 20th of October 1869. |

| Oct 9th #233 * | War Department J. Holt Judge Advocate Genl. Filed Ansd. See L.B. Vol 5 Oct 9, 1869 File | Washington Oct 8th 1869 States that the recent reference to him for report by the Secty of War of the question of power of the Commissioner Bu &c to purchase Real Estate with the Ed. funds in aid of of an institution for education of freedmen has led him to assume that his report of Febry 6, 69 repeated June 23d 69 had not been approved, but that he had recd no information whatever on the subject. Asks what action if any was taken in the subject whether independently of such question any corner of authority for the continued existence of the Bureau unknown to him have been discovered. |