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| October 11th 1869 #234 * | War Department John Potts Chief Clerk Filed | Washington D.C. Oct 9th 1869. Directs (by order of Secty) that the War Dept & its Bureaux be closed on the 11th inst the day of the funeral of Ex President Pierce |

| Octr. 11th #235 * | Warren Miss H.J. Filed with W.273 See P.L.B. vol 6. Oct 14, 69 | Piedmont Station Va Oct 7th 1869. States that she came from New Zealand to teach the freedmen. Taught successfully for two years, but her school was then closed on account of the sale of the property she has overtacked [[overtaxed]] herself doing mission work, and now wishes to go home to England. Desires a position in the Treasury to support herself through the coming winter and requests the assistance of the Commissioner to this end |

| Oct 8th #236 | Wilson J.L D.O. of Claims See T.91. vol 12 '68. Novr. 6th Retd. inviting attention to enclosed official extract from the records of this office, especially to endt. of C.D.O. | Columbia Tenn Sept 25th 1869 Forwards claim of James M White for boarding colored prisoners in jail during the year 1866. Committed by order of James H Gregory then Agent of the Bureau. Mr Gregory informed him the Bureau would pay him |

| Oct 20th #237 | War Department W.M. Dunn Asst Judge Advocate Genl Wager Swayne Col & Bt Maj Genl USA Oct 20th Referred to Wm P Drew Chief of Claim Division Oct 21st Recd back with Rept EB p 575 vol 5 | Washington DC Oct 19th 1869 Are examining the evidence of fraud upon which B D Hyam Claim Agt of this city was recently suspended  Wish to ascertain his previous character, and therefore request an account of the nature and extent of his transactions with the Bu RF & A.L. and the impression his conduct has created. |

| October 20th 1869 #238 | War Department W M Dunn Asst Judge Advocate Genl Wager Swayne Col & Bt Maj Genl USA Oct 20th 1869 Referred to Wm. P. Drew Chief of Claim Division. Oct 20th Recd back with rept. EB p 573. Vol 5 | Washington DC Oct 19th 1869 Are examining the evidence of fraud upon which C C Tucker Claim Agent of this city was recently suspended. His previous character being a question of importance, an account of the nature, and extent of his transactions with the Bureau RF & AL with the impressions created by his conduct are requested. |

| Oct 20th #239 | War Department W M Dunn Asst Judge Advocate Genl Oct 20th Referred to Wm P Drew Chief of Claim Division Recd back Oct 28th with Report See E.B. p 576. vol 5. Recd back approved EB p 2. Vol 6. | Washington DC. Oct 20th 1869 Forwards for remarks communication of Moyers & Dedrick Claim Agents, who state that there is due them, in the Freedmens Bureau advances to the amount of $7741. when their suspension of 1868 was removed. Genl Schofield issues an order to hold in abeyance all advances made by them. Request that this order may be rescinded | 

| Oct 21st #240 * | Wilmer W.R. Agent &c copy furnished Priscilla Pain File. | Port Tobacco Md Oct 19th 1869 In compliance with instructions of 14th inst has visited Clarissa Dent, grandmother of Ellen Wills children, gives the statement of the grandmother in regard to the children also the wishes of the relatives regarding the same |

| Oct 22nd #241 | Wilson R.R. Oct 22d Referred to Mr Manly. EB p 576. vol 5 | Memorandum. Stating he is Pastor of a Baptist Church at Guilford Station Loudon Co Va  Applies for School house & Teacher  People have subscribed $82 and have a bond for deed of 1 acre of land. |