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| Novr. 19th #271 | War Department. Jno. Potts. Chief Clerk. Novr. 19th Referred to CQM | Washington D.C. November 16th 1869. States that the "Leavenworth Daily Commercial" has been placed on the advertising list of the Dept. |

| Novr. 19th #272 * | War Department. John Potts. Chief Clerk. File | Washington D.C. November 17th 1869. Sends order directing the Dept. & Bureaux thereof to be closed on Thanksgiving day, Novr. 18th 1869. |

| Novr. 19th #273 * | Warren, Miss Helen J. L.B. vol 6. Novr. 23 '69 File | Piedmont Station Va. November 14th 1869. Renews her application for assistance in obtaining a situation in the Treasy. Dept. that she may be enabled thereby to procure some sufficient means to carry her back to her native land - New Zeland - whence she came to teach freedmen |

| Nov. 26. #274 | Whittemore, B.F. see W 266 Novr 27. Refd. to Genl. Scott in connection with previous papers referred to him on the 15th inst. | Darlington S.C. Novr. 23, 1869. In the matter of Saml. Gregg referred to in a previous communication states that when he performed the service alluded to he went by the name of Saml Reed, but on registering his name as a voter he took the name of his father & is now known as Saml Gregg |

| Novr. 27. #275 * | War Department. W.W. Belknap. Secy. of War. Novr. 28th Retd. with infn. that all the Freed. Hospitals have been closed except two, and in them there is no vacancy. EW | Washington D.C. November 26th 1869. Refers application of U.S. Williams, M.D. of Carrollton Mo. for position in Freedmens Hospital. |

| Novr. 27th 1869. #276 | War Department. Jno. Potts. Chief Clerk. Novr. 27. Refd. to C.D.O. | Washington D.C. November 26th 1869. Requests return of the several Treasy. settlements in favor of the "Internal Revenue Fund" recently transmitted for usual requisition. |

| July 27 #277 * | Wilkinson, M.C. Inspecting Officer. L.B. vol. 6. Novr. 29, 69. P.L.B. vol. 6. Novr. 29 '69. File | Washington D.C. Novr. 27 '69. States that Jas. H. Smith has declined the position as Watchman & recommends the appt. of Cadet Sergt. F.W. Bronaugh. | 

| Novr. 29 #278 | Wager, Jno. H. Agent Novr. 30. Refd. to Capt. Sladen in charge of archives. Decr 1. Recd. back. E.B. vol 6. p. 42. | Huntsville Ala. November 25th 1869. Requests to be furnished with files of military and Bureau orders for the state of Ala. |

| Novr. 30. #279 | Wager, John H. Agent. Novr. 30. Refd. to Jno. M. Langston, who will please reply in suitable terms. | Huntsville Ala. November 27th 1869. States that the freedpeople of that place intend celebrating their emancipation & desires to have J.M. Langston address them, &c. &c. |

| Decr. 1. #280 | Watson, J.T. Late D.O. Decr. 2. Refd. to C.Q.M. for remarks. Decr. 3. Recd. back. E.B. Vol 6. p. 44 | Helena Ark. November 18th 1869. Requests that an order be issued for him to turn over all Bu property to Genl. Jno. E. Bennett Agent Bu. RF & A.L. |

| Decr 2. #281 | Welch, C.M. Decr. 3. Refd. to J.W. Alvord for answer. | Farmer City, Ill. Novr. 27, 1869. Requests appt. as teachers for himself & wife. |