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| Decr. 3. 1869. #282 | War Department. John Potts. Chief Clerk. LB. Vol 6. Dec 7 '69. Decr. 7. Retd. with report enclosed. | Washington D.C. December 1st 1869. Requests that the report required by advertising regulations relative to "Publication of S.O. No 131, series 1869." Bu R.F. & A.L. be forwarded to the Dept. |

| Decr. 4 #283 | War Department. J.K. Barnes. Surgeon General. 13 Enclo. Decr. 4. Refd. C.M.O. for examination. Decr. 10. Recd. back. E.B. vol 6. p. 50. | Washington December 4th 1869. Forwards a/c of medical & Hospital supplies furnished to freedn. amt'g to $5,185.36 with request that the same be placed to the credit of the Med. & Hospl. Dept. on the books of 2nd Auditor. |

| Decr. 7. #284 | War Department John Potts. Chief Clerk. Decr. 7. Referred to Bt. Lt. Col. J.M. Brown, Chf. Qr Mr. | Washington D.C. December 6th 1869. States that the "Corinne Reporter" published at Corrine Utah Ter., has been placed on the advert'g list of the Dept. |

| Novr. 20. #285 * | War Department Jno. A. Rawlins. Secy. of War File | Washington D.C. April 29 1869. Asks whether civilians on duty in the Bu. might not be replaced by officers awaiting orders. |

| Decr. 9 #286 | War Department Jno. Potts. Chief Clerk. Decr. 9. Refd. to CQM | Washington D.C. December 7th 1869. States that the "Plattsburg Sentinel" published at Plattsburg, N.Y. has been placed on the advertising list of the Dept. |

| Decr. 9. #287 | War Dept. Jno. Potts, Chief Clerk. Decr. 9. Refd. to C.Q.M. | Washington D.C. Decr. 7, 1869. States tht the "Louisville Volksblatt" published at Louisville Ky. has been placed on the advertising list of the Dept. |

| Decr. 11, 1869. #288 | War Department. John Potts. Chief Clerk Decr. 11. Refd. to CDO | Washington D.C. December 10th 1869 Ordering that the salaries of clerks &c. of the Dept. for month of Decr. '69 be paid on the 23rd inst. |

| Decr. 10th #289 * | Whittemore, Hon. B.F. Decr. 10. Referred to Maj. Deane. E.B. vol 6. p 53. Recd back Dec 23d Referred to Maj Deane EB p 73. vol 6. | Columbia S.C. December 1869. Requests apps. for school purposes for the following places: Florence $1500. Kinston $350. Conwayboro $600. Manchester $600. or $500. Maysville $600. Timmonsville $600. Mars Bluff $600. Cheraw $250. Lynchburg $100. Chesterfield C.H. $600. Brownsville $600. Orangeburg $2,000. Black Creek $600. Gourdines $500. making a total of $10,000. |
| Decr. 11. #290 | Wager, Jno. H. Agent. Decr. Retd. with infor. that this Bu. has now no authority to employ counsel. | Huntsville Ala. December 8th 1869. States that a special meeting of the Dist. Court will be held in Jany next & that freedmen are concerned in most of the cases to be tried, &c. Suggests that able counsel be furnished to assist the Dist Atty. |

| Decr. 15. #291 | Whittemore, Hon. B.F., M.C. House of Representatives. see M 194 Vol 12 '68, & W. 21. vol 14 '69. Decr. 16. Refd. to C.D.O. for remarks. Decr. 17. Rcd. back. E.B. vol 6. p 65. | Washington D.C. December 14th 1869. Forwards claim of Dr. R.S. Mellett of Sumter S.C. for medical aid to freedmen, & requests consideration of the same, &c. |

| Decr. 14. #292 * | Wilkinson, M.C. Bt. Capt. U.S.A., Inspecting officer L.B. Vol 6. Decr. 14 '69. File | Washington D.C. December 14, 1869. Requests appt. of Cadet Sergt. C.J. Malord, vice F.W. Bronaugh. |