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(290)  (307) 

July 12th

Your Report of 10th inst has been received and you are directed to call upon Dr Slaughter and inform him that after reading his letter and a careful investigation, and mature consideration of the case, I am satisfied that the freedmen whom he states to have been slightly whipped, was in reality beaten in a cruel and cowardly manner.  You will inform Slaughter that I am convinced that he was secretly a party to the whipping, and that his conduct and that of his neighbors were alike disgraceful to themselves, their County and the State - That having in contempt and disregard of the civil laws of the State failed to apply to the Courts, or Bureau to redress his complaints against the negroes - And having appealed to mob violence - like disgraceful conduct having occurred heretofore in the County of Stewart - and the civil authorities of the County having shown themselves unable or unwilling to secure Justice to those whom the Gov't has pleged

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