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partly to check extravagance by compelling persons receiving rations to receipt for whatever is [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] issued to them, and partly as vouchers for any claim that may hereafter be made against them or the state for the food thus furnished.

I have no doubt there is some exaggeration as to the amount of suffering in the northern part of the state. Still the reports of three different officers sent from this Office all concur in the statement that there are many instances of actual suffering for want of food. 

I have availed myself of the advice and services of Genl Wofford, a most excellent man and thoroughly acquainted with that section of the country. You may be assured that no efforts will be wanting on my part or those to my officers to carry into effect promptly and efficiently the instructions of Genl Howard. Any suggestions you may be pleased to make will receive my prompt attention.

I am, Your Respectfully,
Davis Tillson
Asst Commr Bureau R.F. and A.L.