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July 20th

Your communication of the 17th inst has been recd. By direction of the Ass't Com'r, I have the honor to foward herewith Transportation order for, and order admitting into Freedmen's Hospital at this place, Sabra (freedwoman) and her five children. the receipt of which please acknowledge.

You are requested to inform this office whether Dr Walton was the former owner of this woman Sabra & her 5 children. If he was no attention will he paid to the Acc't brought by him against her, as it is merely an act of generosity on the part of the Bureau to relieve him of a charge which, but for his absolute poverty, he would have been otherwise required to have provided for,

Your Obt Servant
Theo F. Forbes
Lt & A.A.A.G.

Brian Magure Esqr
Agent Bureau &c
Washington Ga