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July 23d

Lewis Collins Esq.
Agent Bureau R.F&AL. Richmond, Ga.

The bearer Tom Holmes (Freedman) States that last January he made a contract with Phillip Ward living near Jno Benns Station, to work for him one year for $100.  That in Feb. or March. Ward voluntarily raised his wages to $120. per year and one Suit of clothes.  That after working faithfully Six months (during which time he had received only $10.75 from Ward). he was discharged without Sufficient cause and Ward refused to pay the balance due him.  The Asst Commr directs that you investigate this case and see [[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] that the man is paid in accordance with the provisions of Circular No 8. a copy of which I herewith enclose.

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant.
Eugene Pickett
Capt V.R.C.