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July 24th 

Information having been received at this office, that you have been, and are issuing permits or passes to freedmen not under contract, charging there for one dollar for each permit, the Asst Com'r desires that you will inform him by what authority you have thus issued said permits or passes. 

Enclosed you will find a copy of General Orders No. 129 A.G.O. July 29th 1865 by which you will, perceive that you have not only violated all trust & confidence reposed in you as agent of this Bureau, but that you are in addition there to ameanable to the laws of the US Govt in having totally disregarded & violated the same, as specified in the enclosed Order. The Asst Com'r regrets to learn that an Agent of this Bureau, appointed as such in all honestly and sincerity should be guilty of such gross violation of Orders. You will immediately refund to each and every freed person the Am't or Am'ts which you have