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July 10th


Your report in the case of Jerry Latimore (freedman) vs James Higginbottom has been received, and the Ass't Com'r directs me to say in reply that although your actions & decisions in the matter was evidently governed by pure & just motives and with a desire simply that Justice should be rendered the party, to whom it was due, Yet this case must come before the Civil Authorities for action as the am't involved exceeds your jurisdiction as Agent of the Bureau.  It is also desired that, whenever practicable, all cases arising between freed persons and whites or freed persons only , Should be turned over to the Civil Authorities for action, where Civil Courts are in full operation & where the civil authorities manifest a disposition and willingness on their part to afford all parties and impartial trial irrespective of color or condition.  But where this is not done, the Ass't Comr desires that the Agent of the Bureau