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July 29

Herewith I have the honor to transmit copies - of Endorsement - 30-44. C.S. War Dept. U.S.A. - & of your report in case recently tried by you -

In the case of W. M. Law you will pursue the course indicated in said Gen Order 44. & have the case brought before the Post Commandant for action. & in future will be guided in your action by said Gen. Order- Great care as has already been enjoined by the Asst Comr will be taken in exercising the powers conferred in orders & Circulars from this office not to exceed the jurisdiction conferred -

By Command of
Bvt Maj Gen Tillson
W. W. Deane
Capt & AAG

A W Stone Esq
Agt Bureau RF&AL
Savannah, Ga