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Report of Persons Murdered in District of Brunswick Ga

[[7 columned table]]
| Name of Persons Murdered White | Name of Persons Murdered Colored | Name of Supposed Murderer White | Name of Supposed Murderer Colored | Date | County | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Dr. R.H. Eaton |   |   | Robert Armstrong George Johnson Silas Pickley Joshua Pickley York Williams Henry Williams Moras Floyed | June 22nd 1866 | Camden | Five of those men was arrested, tried and found guilty, upon the evidence of Robert Armstrong who turned State evidence. Three was comdemn to be hang but escaped from jail. |

|   | George Nicklas |   |   | September 1865 | Glen | Found in the road, about two miles from Brunswick, with his head cut off. Surposed Murdered by two drunken men, Strangers |

|   | Smith |   |   | November | Glen | Missing. surposed to be murdered. |

|   | Mary Wright | N. Parker | |   | June 24th 1866 | Camden | Put in jail with four others for killing a Mule, Taken out and hanged to a tree. Parker was arrested but escaped on his way to jail. The deceased was about 14 years old |

|   | Nancy Wright | Dr. Wm Wright |   | May 5th 1866 | Camden | Was shot by Dr. Wright when he was drunk. A bill was found against the Dr. He made his escape before arrested. |

Note.- The disposition made of the case will be reported in Column of Remarks.

Geo. T. Crabtree Capt V.A.C. A.S.A, Com