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Report of Persons Murdered in District of Rome Ga

[[7 columned table]]
| Name of Persons Murdered White | Name of Persons Murdered Colored | Name of supposed murderer White | Name of supposed murderer Colored | Date | County | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

|   | Hightower | Lee McComer John Cammon Ellis Clemence |   | June 1866 | Polk | No steps taken by the civil authorities towards even investigating the matter. Nothing but threats of killing either black or white who reported the facts |
|   | Godfrey Sprout | Polk Jainestone Jr. Polk Jainestone Sr. Jim Bonds & Bros Felix Sheets |   | Dec 1865 | Cass | No complaint even made to the civil authorities |

|   | Louisa White | White |   | April 1866 | Floyd | Supposed murdered never arrested nor the case investigated by the civil authorities. |

C.S. de la Mesa
Capt. & Asst. Sub. Asst Comr.