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0293 Report of Persons Murdered in District of Savannah Georgia [[7 Columned Table]] | Name of Persons Murdered White | Name of Persons Murdered Colored | Name of Supposed Murderer White | Name of Supposed Murderer Colored | Date | County | Remarks | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | Sampson Whitfield | John Allen | | August 2d 1866 | Chatham | Murder acquitted by Civil Court | | | Peter - | Mr Fox | | September 20th 1866 | Effingham | A verdict of justifiable homicide was rendered by Jury on Coroners inquest the man was let at liberty | | | Charles Smith | Regulators | | August 1866 | Tatnall | A guard was sent and arrested several parties who were turned over to the civil authorities to be tried for assault with intent to kill Mr E. Yulee. Agt of B of R.F. and A.L. for Liberty Co. has all the necessary papers in the case. | | John Allford | | | Smart Cummings | September 1865 | Chatham | Is now in Jail and has confessed the deed - | I certify that the above report is correct Nelson Bronson 1st Lieut and A.S.A. Commissioner