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Report of Persons murdered in District of Columbus Ga.

[[7 Columned Table]]
| Name of Persons murdered White | Name of Persons murdered Colored | Name of supposed Murderer White | Name of supposed Murderer Colored | Date | County | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

|   | Isaac Brannon | Stephan Dixon, _ Brown, W.T. Barnes | Toney Prior | March 1st, 1866 | Talbotton Co | The party, except Brown were arrested by the Mil. Authority, and afterwards turned over to the Civil Authority of the County. "Not yet tried" |

|   |  - Manuel | not known murdered by Regulators. (so called.) |   | March 15.1866 | Talbotton Co. | Shot in bed by a party of white men, (disguised). |

|   |  Henry Hargraves | Christ. Edwards |   | May 1st 1866 | Columbus Ga. | A warrant for his arrest was issued, but he escaped. |

|   | Jordan Nelson | unknown |   | June 1866 | Harris Cty. | Was found in the woods hung by the neck. |

|   | - - | - Spicy |   | August 1866 | Harris County | A colored woman was beaten by a white man by the name of Spicy. She died next day and he escaped. - |

|   | Andrew Jackson |   | Sandy Parks | June 24.1866 | Columbus Ga. | Awaiting trial in jail. |

|   | - - | - - |   |  July 1866 | Talbotton Co. | Was shot by his employer, who is awaiting Trial before the superior Court of the County. |

|   | Simpson - | - Howard |   | August 13.1866 | Chattachoochee Co. | Howard gave himself up to Civil Authorities, case before the Sup. Court of the County. |

Columbus Ga. Sept. 30th 1866  
Fred. Mosebach Capt. V.R.C. and A.S.A. Comr B.R.F. and A.L. Dist. of Columbus.