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Report of Persons Murdered in District of Griffin Ga

[[7 Columned Table]]
| Name of Persons Murdered White | Name of Persons Murdered Colored | Name of Supposed Murderer White | Name of Supposed Murderer Colored | Date | County | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

|   | unknown Freed boy | Party of men disguised |   | not known | Pike | The boy was taken by force from the Sheriff of the county. and afterward found in the river with his throat cut from ear to ear  Case with statement of Sheriff reported to Asst Comr July 20th 1866 |

|   | unknown  Freedmen| Brown |  | on or about Sept 8th 1866 | Pike | A warrant for the arrest of Brown was issued by the Civil Authorities who it was found had left the county for Texas Case reported to Asst Comr Sept 22 1866 |

I certify the above report to be correct as taken from official Record 
EML Ehlers  
Capt & ASA Comr

Note. - The disposition made of the case will be reported in the Column of Remarks