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Report of Persons murdered in Richmond County Georgia

[[7 Columned Table]]
| Name of persons murdered White | Name of persons murdered Colored. | Name of supposed Murderer. White | Name of supposed Murderer. Colored. | Date | City or town where murder committed | Remarks.|
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Carmichael |   | unknown | unknown | 1866 | 4 miles from Augusta |   |

| Gallaher |   |   | name unknown | 1866 | Augusta | This was accidental. |

|   | Mason |   | Geo Kelly | 1866 | Augusta | unintentional, as he shot at another. |

| Brenan |   | J E Taut. |   | 1866 | Augusta | Has been tried and acquited. |

| McAuly |   | Jno G Hartly |  | 1866 | Augusta | Is now in Jail. |

|   | Name unknown | Miller |  | 1866 | 3 Miles from Augusta | Miller was arrested and after an [[?]] acquitted. - as the Man was shot while in the act of stealing. |

|   | Name Unknown | Wm Hously. |   | 1866 | Augusta | Hously was an officer acquited. |

Jacob R. Davis
Agent F Bureau
Richmond County