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further that the parties aggrieved, cannot obtain redress in the Civil Courts of the County or State; & pray for redress under "Civil Rights Bill" - (copy of affidavit herewith enclosed marked Exhibit "B") 

Warrants were issued for the arrest of the parties, & placed in the hands of the U.S. Marshall, who, assisted by a detail of Soldiers, arrested Riley Williams & John Finly, who were brought before the Commissioner & held in $1000- bonds to appear at the next term of the District Court. Marion Todd was arrested but escaped; the other, Solomon Williamson, avoided arrest. I am informed by the Dist. Atty. that the Witnesses were summoned, but that he has determined no to bring the case before the Grand Jury, believing that if he secured an indictment, he could not make it hold under the "Civil Rights Bill" so as to secure a conviction. 

Case 5.
Jesse Morris made affidavit (copy herewith enclosed marked Exhibit "C") charging Wm Morris, John McQueen, James Calhoun, Robert McMillen