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[[7 columned table]]
| 8 | Tobias Powell Col'd. | Stephen Daniel | Assaulted | Unknown | White | Warrant issued & matter  compromised at request of freedman. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |


| 9 | Major Lewis (Col'd) | Barnard Whitikers | Murdered. | Darby County. Dispute | White | Warrant issued no bill found whole proceedings forwarded to Gov. Jenkins at the time. May be in Georgia or Florida. |

| 10 | Simon Morgan Col'd | General Taylor | Murdered | Monroe County. Unknown | Colored | Found guilty of manslaughter & sentenced to one year in the penitentiary. |

| 11 | Dan'l. Cunningham (Col'd) | Zed Coff | Murdered | Putnam County. Dispute | Colored | Escaped supposed to be in North Carolina |

| 12 | Caroline Reed Col'd | Bently Herd | Assault | Dispute | Col'd | Sentenced to the Penitentiary for 3½ years. |

| 13 | Giles Grear Col'd | Gilbert Grear | Shot not mortal. | Jasper County. Dispute | White | Under Bonds to appear before the Superior Court of Jasper County. | 

| 14 | Reuben Reed Col'd | Jackson Thomas | Murdered | Baldwin County. Dispute | Colored | Escaped from Jail. |

| 15 | Henry Wooten Col'd | Elbert Rushing | Murdered | Dispute | Colored. | Acquitted on trial. |

| 16 | Taylor Washington Col'd | Louis Kinsman | Assault | Dispute | White | Case settled by parties as both fired four shots. |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-01 21:09:23