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Whitfield County

Personally appeared Henry L Sims Junr. & being duly sworn says he is clerk for G.W. Selvidge Agt. at Dalton and superintends the issuing of rations to the destitute - that said Selvidge has invariably instructed him to see that the colored and Union people especially should be provided for - that they must not suffer because others could receive more sympathy from other sources - and that none of these should be refused when there was any means at all from which to supply them and deponent carried out his instructions to the best of his ability. The preference was invariably given to the colored & Union people.

Deponent further states that when persons were furnished by the inferior court through Mr Barclay their agt. that deponent was instructed not to issue to them for a time. The object was to distribute the supplies as generally as possible

Transcription Notes:
last word completed per SI