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Reports of Murders & Assaults in Thomasville Sub Dist from January 1st to October 1st 1868

[[8 columned table]]
| Names of Parties | Nature & Extend of Injury | Where | Cause | Date | Action of Civil Authorities | Present whereabouts | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Geo G. Gibbs. .W. killed Wm Hardaway .cd. | Shot killed dead. | Thomas | No cause premeditated Had threatened | about 1st of April | A warrant issued but he was not arrested | Knot known | He was in Gibbs employ & did not want Gibbs to take his son to town, & in trying to take him out of the buggy was shot |

Hills Sub Dist. [[strikethrough]] | Joshua .c. | Was burned to death in Irwin Co Jail | Irwinsville Irwin Co | For killing two white men in self defence | About July 1st | None | Unknown, but without doubt now citizen of Irwin Co. | He killed two white men who were with a "[[?]" breaking into his house. Citizens say he (freedman) was served right | [[/strikethrough]]

| Wm Davis .W. Assaulted Jane Rankin .c. | Not serious beat and kicked her | Thomas | for telling a cold boy to run & get the eggs or she (Jane) would steal them | June 1st | None Could not get a "bill" Judge would not hear the case | Thomas Co | Davis gave as a reason that he struck her because she would steal |

| Solomon Everett W. Shot Archy Cuyler | In the arm, not serious | Thomas | No cause given | Aug 4 | None |   | I cannot now learn who or where Everett is or lives  The Cold man may be mistaken in the name & meant Evers. I do not think he knows who shot him. |

| Houston supposed to be W.H. Houston .w. attempted to rape Jenny Wyclue | Overtook her on the highway, draw a pistol & drove her out in the woods, threatening her | Thomas | - | Aug 13 | Thomas Co | Houstons friend who was with him tried to discuad [[dissuade]] him he W.H. would not stop until he was told that other parties were coming. |

| Joshua M Jones Assaulted Jane McCullock | was beaten severely on the head with a club | Thomas | About work | Aug 25 | Bound over to Court | Thomas Co | Jones is a young man and tried to drive this woman to work |

| David Stringer Assaulted Mary McIntosh | Stomped her in the breast & beat her, Probably serious | Thomas | Wanted to drive her off & take the crop | Aug 26 | None. | Thomas Co | Stringer is in the habit of doing such [[tricks?]]. |