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Bureau Refugees Freedm

Report of the number of Freedmen, murdered, assaulted in the Ju

[[8 Columned Table]]

| Names of Freedmen Murdered | Assaulted with intent to kill | Date | Extent & nature of injuries inflicted | Cause of Assault | Names of parties killing or inflicting injuries Name | Names of parties killing or inflicting injuries Color | Instances in persons were Civil Author |

| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

|   | Elbert | Jay 4 | Shot thro' the thigh | unknown | Jake Foster (supposed) | white | Has left the County |

|   | George Peirson | Apl 7 | Badly beaten in head | Peirson contradicted Huff | Jim Huff | white | nothing was done in this case instructed Peirson to go to a Magistrate, have not have not heard any thing from him since |

|   | Margaret Martin | Apl 16 | Badly beaten & choked | She went out to see her sisters child & stayed too long | Jake Edwards | white | Advised her to go to a Magistrate have not heard from her since |

|   | unknown | Apl 16 | Shot. flesh wound | unknown | W.S. Bineyard |   |   |

|   | Margaret Reily | May 4 | Shot at (not injured) | unknown | Ed Hill & R Lampkin | white | Parties compromised |

|   | Nancy Finley | May 11 | Struck her on head with Rock | because she sent her children to school | Wm Pledger | white | turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Henry Burns | May 12 | Shot at (not injured) | unknown | unknown |   |   |

|   | Wm Foster | May 21 | Beaten with a pole | unknown | Pope Davis & Ed Gordon | white | parties made compromise |

|   | Andrew Aberhart | May 22 | Knocked down & beaten | unknown | Jerome Mathews | white | parties made compromise |

|   | Sam Ford | May 29 | Shot at (not injured) | unknown | John Dean | white | turned over to the Civil Authorities |

|   | Harry Mathews Clary Mathews | June 1 | Badly beaten | unknown | George Mathews & William Mathews | white | turned over to the Civil Authorities |

|   | Jack Hill | June 8 | Beaten nearly to death | unknown | Clay Durham | white | Hill left & went home to his Father |

|   | Ellen Mayne | June 29 | Badly beaten | unknown | Nick Obey | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Howard Payne | June 29 | Badly beaten | unknown | J.R. Lyle (former Bu Agt) | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Phil Watson | July 18 | Struck on head with rock & his life threatened | unknown | Joe Glenn | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Ella Fellows | July 21 | Knocked senseless | unknown | Danl Mathews | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Sarah Deadwyle | July 29 | Badly beaten | unknown | Jerome Mathews | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | David Fellows | July 30 | Badly beaten | because he had reported him Mathews to the Bureau | Danl Mathews | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Peter Fareborough | Aug 3 | Shot at & beaten | unknown | Mitt Marable | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Armstrong Jones | Aug 3 | Shot at & beaten | unknown | A. Rutherford | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Francis Elder | Aug 3 | Head cut open with hoe | unknown | James Branch | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Angeline Brown | Aug 10 | Badly beaten | unknown | Dick Mobley | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Moseby Anderson | Aug 11 | Beaten with Hoe | unknown | Geo Cook | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Clement Warren | Aug 13 | Shot at & beaten | unknown | Jno Jones | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | John Bough | Aug 25 | Beaten with club | unknown | Jno Millican | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Ben Simson | Aug 25 | Beaten & pistol drawn on him | unknown | Jno Jordon | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Sim Jackson | Aug 25 | Beaten with club | unknown | Harry Towns (Baliff) | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | John Strong | Aug 25 | Beaten with club | Richard Walker | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Mary Walker | Aug 29 | Beaten & life threatened | because Walkers son beat Pruit's son | Saml Pruitt | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | John Thomas | Sep 4 | Gun drawn on him | unknown | Saml Brittain | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Jane Johnson | Sept 7 | Beaten with Club | unknown | Sidney Ward | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Leitha Thomas | Sep 17 | Beaten with Rock | because Thomas had been impudent to Dorseys wife | James Dorsey | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Harriet Griffith | Oct 5 | Beaten with sticks | unknown | John Kettle | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Alfred Crane | Oct 8 | Beaten with sticks | unknown | Wm Jones | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Lucinda Marable | Oct 20 | Beaten with sticks pulled out of bed | unknown | Augustus Marable | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Noah Thrasher | Oct 20 | Stabbed in arm & head badly | dispute about whipping Noahs son | Isaac Thrasher | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Mitchell Stroud | Nov 3 | Shot in hand | unknown |  Van Delay | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | John Arnold | Aug 18 | Badly stabbed | dispute with boy named Kidd | Cunningham | white | (as turned over to Civil Authorities |

|   | Nancy Flowers |   | drew a gun on her & threatened to kill her | unknown | James Flowers | White | it was not reported what was done in this case |

Transcription Notes:
11.27.2022 - The summaries for these incidents in much more legible handwriting can be found on Pages 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228; Used summaries to confirm/correct names, resolve [[?]]s, and complete transcription; Marking for review 11.27.2022 - The transcription of the last column includes the words that are in the first column of the next page of this project for complete readability Last column is cut off; entire right side of page incomplete