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DETROIT IMPRESSION BOOK Water-Proof Rubber Back Strong and Flexible. [[image]] TURNED INSIDE OUT. [[image]] CAN'T BE SMASHED. MADE FROM THE FOLLOWING PAPER: Imported White American White Genuine Jap No. 1 Genuine Jap No. 2 Light Manilla Bond Heavy Manilla Bond [[image]] SIZES AND THICKNESS: 10 x 12 — 300, 500, 700, 1000 pages 10 x 15 — 300, 500, 700, 1000 pages Ruled Invoice Impression Book 13 x 15 — 700 pages We carry in stock a full line of the above, both Extension Index and Index in Front. SPECIAL SIZES MADE TO ORDER. MANUFACTURED BY GREGORY, MAYER & THOM CO. BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, STATIONERS AND PRINTERS, 81 Woodward Avenue, DETROIT, MICH.