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#33 Ferry Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, April 4th, 1901. Dear Professor Fenollosa:-- I had the pleasure a day or two ago of receiving your welcome letter, and I am glad to know that your plans for returning to Japan are now complete. I wish yourself and Mrs. Fenollosa a delightful visit to the Far East and a safe return. The pair of screens by Kano Soshun and the kakemono by Ganku came safely yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Morse and some other friends were my guests at the time of their arrival, and I had an opportunity to examine the screens very carefully and have decided to keep them. They are entirely different in many ways from my other screens, and I am delighted to add them to my little group. Enclosed herewith, I take pleasure in handing you check on New York payable to your order for $1,000.00 in settlement for the screens. As yet, I have had only a glimpse of the Ganku Kakemono, and as I am compelled to leave town this afternoon at four o'clock to be gone until about the 15th or 16th instant, I don't know what to say to you on that subject. On receipt hereof, won't you kindly write me to Sheffield, Mass, care C. H. Williams, letting me know whether it will be entirely agreeable