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May 14th,1901

Thomas S. Jerome
In Account with Charles L. Freer,  Dr.

For the following amounts advanced by 
Mr. Freer to Mr. Jerome on his 
personal account:
Apr.2. Loan on Demand Note, $5,000,00
Less payment on account January
4th, 1901, by check on State 
Savings Bank,     3,500.00 $1,500.00
Jan,15. Paid Stare savings Bank to take
up draft issued by Mr. Jerome
dated Naples, December 21st, 1900
for 250 Sterling
250 at 19 7/32 (pence per $).  1,219.05
       1% Commission.          12.19
Less 1/2, which was charged 
Thomas S. Jerome. Agent for 
account of Villa Caste         615.52
Apr.4 Loan, There being insufficient 
funds in the bank to meet the payment
of assessment on 150 shares Baltic Mining
stock at $3.00 per share                 250.00
" 17. Paid State Savings Bank to take up 
draft issued by Mr. Jerome, dated Naples,
March 27th, 1901 for 150 Sterling.
150 at 48 15/16 (pence per $). 735.63
1% Commission,                  7.36       742.99

Total,                         $3,108.61