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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
May 17th, 1901.

Thomas S. Jerome, Esq.,
Capri, Italy.
My dear Mr. Jerome:--
At Mr. Freer's request, I have to-day shipped by American Express, charges prepaid, consigned to E. G. Vickers & Company, #7 Via Vittoria, Naples, Italy, a box containing two Japanese Screens and one Kakemono, the property of Dr. F. W. Mann. I enclose copy of letter to Messrs. Vickers & Company, also copy of invoice sent to them.
I have requested the American Express company to have these goods go forward on the first possible steamer, and they will advise me early next week of date and name of steamer, when I shall be pleased to inform you of same.
I trust you are well and will have a pleasant summer. I am feeling splendid.
Yours very truly,