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June 25th, 1901.

Ernest Knaufft, Esq.,
#132 West 23rd Street,
New York City.

Dear Sir:-

Yours dated the 15th, postmarked the 18th instant, addressed to Mr. Charles L. Freer, has been opened by me in Mr. Freer's absence.  Mr. Freer sailed for Europe on the 18th instant, and will not return until about September 1st.

Knowing Mr. Freer's views as respects reproductions, I feel quite justified on his behalf in declining to grant your request to reproduce any of the pictures loaned by him to the Pan-American Exposition.

I am writing Mr. Freer to-day, and will inform him of your request and of the fact that I have declined to grant it.

Yours very truly,
Frank J. Hecker