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possession? I would like so much to see it some day, and, possibly, if you care to dispose of it, you will be good enough to permit me to consider purchasing it.
  I was delighted to see in the Venice International Exhibition an example of your recent work. It was perfectly placed, splendidly lighted, and was the finishing note of a very distinguished group of modern paintings. 
  I enclose herewith copy of a letter from John Lane, Publisher of The International Studio, received here some weeks ago, and to which I have made reply to-day, as per copy of letter enclosed herein. What is your pleasure in the matter? Of course, I shall be guided entirely by your wishes. 
  I also found awaiting me here a letter from Harrison S. Morris, Managing Director of the Pennsylvania Academy of The Fine Arts, asking me to loan, along with some other pictures, your "A Head" for the next annual exhibition at Philadelphia. I have not yet replied to Mr. Morris' letter, wishing to consult yourself, Dewing, Tryon and Whistler before deciding whether or not I can accommodate his desire. 
  Between the Pan-American Exposition and certain current European exhibitions, my house is almost robbed of its works of