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#33 Perry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
August 15th, 1901.

My dear Mrs Morris:--
I have just returned from a three months' absence abroad, and found awaiting my arrival your kind letter of the 8th instant. In replying, let me first say that I am much pleased to have your appreciative impressions of the Buffalo Exhibition It must be very fine! But you are, I fear, over indulgent towards the group of paintings from my little collection, and, concerning those desired for your next annual exhibition, I beg you to grant me time to consider the matter more fully. In accordance with my usual custom, I must communicate with the artists so as to learn whether they wish to contribute to your next exhibition, and, if so, if the pictures chosen by you will be satisfactory to them--- they may have more important specimens, you know. Furthermore, speaking very frankly, I dread the thought of postponing the return of my pictures until practically next spring, to say nothing of the risk of possible destruction or damage. However, I will correspond with the artists, and after I shall have hear from them, I will wrestle further with myself, and then write you definitely.

With kind regards, I remain,
Very truly yours,
Charles L Freer

Harrison S. Morris, Esq.,
Managing Director,
Pennsylvania Academy of The Fine Arts,
Philadelphia, Pa.