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17 -16- #33 Ferry Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, April 16th, 1901. E. R. Lorrain, Esq., Canaan, Ct. Dear Sir:-- Referring to the conversation had with you at Sheffield on the 10th instant, permit me to confirm the agreement then entered into with you for the erection of a shed to be used for storing wagons, for a shelter to the horse paddock, corn crib, etc. I understand that the shed is to be built in accordance with the sketch you submitted to me, with your letter of November 12, 1900, modified as per verbal understanding of Tuesday last, that is, to include hay chutes, to change the location of corn crib, passage-way, etc., for the sum of $1035.00, complete. I have instructed Mr. Williams to have some blasting done to clear the entrance into the shed from the east side, and to cut down the rock in the road near the horse stable, and I want to have this done before you begin your work, therefore, you may commence delivering material whenever you wish, but please do