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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
August 15th,1901.

A. D. Jenkins, Esq., 
Room #21, Seymour Bldg.,
#503 Fifth Avenue, New York City. 
Dear Sir:--
On my return home from a three months' absence, I found the circulars concerning lectures by Prof. Fenollosa, bearing postmark of June 10th. I have already consulted with Professor Griffith of the Detroit Museum, and, after a very hasty talk, we feel encouraged to say to you that, if not too late, we deem it possible to make arrangements to have Prof. Fenollosa deliver one or more of his lectures in this city during the coming season. 

Will you kindly let us know by return mail what, if any, open dates still remain? In the meantime, the matter will be talked over here, and within the course of two weeks, we hope to be able to write you more definitely on the subject. 
Yours very truly, 
Charles L Freer