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18 -2- not begin the actual erection of the building until the blasting has been finished. In determining how low to bring down the shingling over the arches opening toward the west, please consult with Mr. Williams, and I would like you and he together to use your best judgement as to the distance to do the shingling, having in mind, of course, the general appearance of the work after it is done. During the construction of the shed, you may make sight drafts on me as heretofore. Do not forget, please, that the piers to support the posts are to be single pieces of cut stone, and see to it that they are thoroughly well set. Believing that you will use good timber and workmanship throughout this job, I remain, Yours very truly, Charles L. Freer P.S. Don't forget the touching up needed on the unshingled part of barn near the site when you [[?]] [[?]] the shingles for the shed.