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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
April 16th, 1901.

J.S. Auerbach, Esq.,
Care, Davies, Stone & Auerbach,
Mutual Life Building, #32 Nassau Street,
New York City.

My dear Sir:--
In compliance with the promise I made you yesterday, I telephoned Mr. Berry's office this morning, immediately after my arrival, and found that Mr. Berry would be out of town for the day. I then telephoned his confidential man, Mr. W. G. Smith, and he came to my office. I told him that you were attempting to effect a consolidation of the various concerns in this country interested in the manufacture and sale of brake beams, without giving him any information concerning your intended plans, amount of proposed capital, or, in fact, any details beyond the fact that you had invited me to join you in organizing the new company, and that I could not accept your suggestions in that direction, and adding that I had promised you to see Mr. Berry and ask him for a price of the Monarch Brake Beam Company. After communicating with Mr. Berry, Mr. Smith gave me the particulars named