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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan, 
August 21st,1901.

Dear Tryon:--
I am very glad to have your good letter of the 17th instant, and to know that as usual your summer outing has again braced you up. Yes, indeed, Nature certainly is the great restorer. I feel about nine years old, and I am beginning to wish that I might live to be as old as Methuselah. There really seems to be so much to live for.

Concerning duplicating the frame that White is designing for the "New England Hills", of course, I am perfectly willing to have you use it for the purpose mentioned, and I have not the slightest doubt that White will feel exactly as I do. I have written him this morning, asking him how he feels on the matter, and enquiring if his frame-maker will go ahead with a second frame. White liked your "New England Hills" immensely, and was really very charming about the whole matter.

Now, about Morris' letter. I feel very much inclined to your opinion. General exhibitions of all sorts of trash, with good works chinked in, as you so wisely said, do no particular good. At the first opportunity, I will