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#33 Perry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
August 31st, 1901.

Dear Stanford:--
I have been home about one week, and in looking over my accounts, I find that you have not yet been paid for the frame you so kindly designed and had made for the Thayer painting. Before leaving New York in May, I wrote to my cashier to hand you a check the moment the bill was received, which, you will remember, you promised to send. He tells me that no invoice ever came to him. I fancy the matter slipped your mind. Won't you kindly let me know the amount to remit you, in order that the account may be squared up without further delay?
I suppose the frame for the Tryon landscape is not yet finished. I wrote Tryon of your goodness in the matter, and have just received a letter expressing his delight. He is wondering if it would be possible to have a duplicate of the frame now in progress made for a canvass that he has already begun. How do you feel about this, and would it be asking too much of your frame-maker to make two instead of one frame? I had a ripping good trip abroad. Found Coleman much stronger than I had feared. I saw a good deal of him fore something over a month, and he certainly gained in strength and health

Transcription Notes:
The only missing word has the first five letters missing, though the first I suspect is a "p". Based on context clues from previous letters, and the word appearing P----ing, my assumption was painting. Noting here in case someone has another idea.