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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Mich.,
August 24th,1901.

Dear Mr. Griffith:--

Referring to our conversation of this morning concerning the proposed lectures to be delivered in this city by Prof. Ernest F. Fenollosa, I take pleasure in handing you herewith enclosed a letter dated the 19th instant from Miss. Alice D. Jenkins, Secretary to Prof. Fenollosa, copy of letter written by Dr. James H. Canfield, Librarian of Columbia University of New York to Prof. Fryer, University of California, and a copy of titles of the lectures and prices therefor, as per our talk of this morning.

Should arrangements be made for bringing Prof. Fenollosa to Detroit during the coming winter, I will be very pleased, indeed, to aid in meeting the expense thereof.

Yours very sincerely,
Charles L Freer 

Prof. A. H. Griffith,
Director, Detroit Museum of Art, 

Copy of my letter of Miss Jenkins of today's date is also enclosed herein. C.L.F.