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23 #33 Ferry Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, April 16th, 1901. Dear Mr. Coffin:- Your letter of the 13th instant reached me on my arrival in New York yesterday. I found my time so fully occupied while there that I did not have a chance to even telegraph you as requested, but I did send you a message from Poughkeepsie, stating that I would write you to-day. Of course, we are all very much disappointed at Col. Pope's decision concerning his Whistler, but under the circumstances, I must say that I rather sympathize with his feelings. I have consulted with Col. Hecker to-day, and we both feel that it would be much wiser for you to say to the Chicago Art Institute, to the Carnegie Gallery at Pittsburgh, owner of Mr. Whistler's "Sarasate", to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, who own two or three Whistlers, to Mr. Johnson of Philadelphia, and to Mr. Harris Whittemore of Naugatuck, Ct., owner of "The White Girl", that Col. Hecker and I have agreed to loan four important paintings by Whistler, provided you can get four more representative examples of his work. It seems to me that if you proceed on these lines, you will be much more likely to obtain what you desire continued on p.24-25 incorrectly placed between p.22-23