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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan,
April 17th, 1901.

Dear Mr. Kita:--

Your letter of March 10th was received a few days ago, and I was glad to hear from you and to know that you arrived safely at your home in Kioto. What a very interesting trip you had. I am so glad that it was my good fortune to see you in my own home in Detroit, in New York City, and also in London, and I trust that erelong you will be back in America again, and that at that time I shall have the pleasure of entertaining you again in Detroit. 

In reply to your inquiry concerning my next trip to Japan, I regret to say that I cannot go this year. I hope, however, that, if all goes well, I may be privileged to see your beautiful country again in 1902. When I do go to Japan, I shall, of course, hope to see you and to make with you some of the trips to the interesting places we talked about when you were here. 
With every good wish, in which Col. Hecker joins, I remain, 

Very truly yours,

Charles L Freer
Mr. Toranosuke Kita, 
#21 Teramachi, Kioto, Japan.