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two weeks, and, as stated before, can meet you in the East to help you in selecting whatever other things you may need.

Mr. Kobayashi, the man of whom I spoke in my recent letter, was here last week, and while he brought with him a great many things, I did not see a single article in the whole collection which I thought would be of interest to you. His prints and paintings were of remarkably poor quality; he had no pottery or bronze; and the only thing of real interest was a beautiful collection of early Japanese books, but, of course, these would not do for your purpose.

While in New York and Boston next week, should I see anything which seems to me suitable for your purpose, I will ask it held subject to your inspection later.

With kind regards,
Charles L Freer

W. J. McBride, Esq.,
Care, American Car & Foundry Co.,
St. Louis, Mo.